Attendance in Jeffco
The importance of regular, daily school attendance as a basis for academic achievement cannot be overemphasized. Attendance is a shared responsibility of the student, the families and the school.
It is the family’s responsibility to ensure their student attends school and to notify the school when their student is absent for a legitimate reason, such as an illness or family emergency. Each family should also ensure their student’s school has their correct contact information so that the school is able to communicate about any attendance issues that may arise.
General Attendance Information
Important reminders for parents and guardians
- For your student to be excused for an absence, please contact the attendance line at the Warren Tech campus that your student attends.
- Absences must be called into both the Warren Tech (WT) campus attendance line and your student’s home high school if absent from both schools.
- Calls should be made within 24 hours after the absence to excuse the student.
Warren Tech Campus Attendance Lines
- 303-982-8606
- 303-982-9362
- 303-982-8656
Attendance Policies and Procedures
Parents or guardians (not the student) call the attendance line and leave the following information:
- Student's name (spell out the last name)
- Program they are enrolled in
- Date and reason for absence or tardy/late arrival
- Your name, telephone number and relationship to the student
- Students also must call their instructor
Remember that a separate phone call must be made to the student's home high school if your student will be missing there as well.
Early Dismissal
Please call the main office at your student's Warren Tech campus at least 30 minutes in advance of a student's early dismissal. This is to ensure the office can get to your student and have them ready to go at the desired time. If leaving a message, please be sure to provide dismissal date and time.
Online Absence Request Tool
Families may also submit attendance through Jeffco's Infinite Campus
View Jeffco's Infinite Campus for Parents
Pre-arranged absences
If your student knows in advance that they will be absent from school for an extended amount of time, please complete the Pre-Arranged Absence Form.
- The parent or guardian must sign the form along with the student. After the form is signed by both the parent or guardian and the student, it can be turned in to the student's teacher.
- The teacher will sign the form and forward it to the administration department for authorization.
- This form is not required for one day's absence.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Regarding Attendance
- If I am over 18, do I need a parent or guardian to call in my absence?
- Why call both the instructor and attendance line when absent?
- What about giving advance notice for a future date of absence?
- Do I call in an absence for school-related testing (CSAP, ACT)?