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Library & Research

Jeffco Public Library

Get a library card

Card access to online library

Visit the digital branch of Jeffco Public Library and access e-books, audiobooks, streaming services and more 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

Card access to online resources

Access online learning tools such as:

  • Live tutoring help
  • Interactive databases
  • E-books

Writing Resources

Tech Tools for Class Projects

Develop presentation skills

Work on ways to wow your teacher and peers by perfecting your presentation skills.

  • Use Soundtrap to record, practice and critique speeches.
  • Use the iPads to create a video of yourself that you can review and critique.
  • Use a LinkedIn Learning subscription through the Jeffco Public Library that has resources to practice your presentation skills. 
  • LinkedIn Learning also has a few videos on how to make your presentation shine.

Record your podcast

Jeffco has a paid subscription to Soundtrap. This is an online tool that you can use to record yourself, create new music and sound effects to add to your podcast or embed in a video that you may be creating using WeVideo.

We have two new Blue Yeti USB microphones available for student use. See Mrs. Nowka if you would like to use them to record a podcast or video in our new production room.

Internet Safety

What goes on the internet, stays on the internet. Forever.

Teens today live a huge portion of their lives online. In fact, according to a study from Pew Research Center, 92% of teens report going online daily—including 24% who say they go online “almost constantly.”

Why so much online activity? The accessibility of smartphones, of course. Fully 91% of teens go online from mobile devices at least occasionally. Among these “mobile teens,” 94% go online daily or more often.

That’s a lot of time spent looking at a screen.

Just like you want your teen to stay safe in school and at the mall, you need to be sure they’re being smart about how they handle themselves online.

Internet safety resources

  • Internet Safety Tips for Teens - Helpful AND Funny - YouTube Shipp, J. [YouTube]. (2012, August 23). Internet Safety Tips for Teens - Helpful AND Funny-Josh Shipp [Video] YouTube.
  • ISafe Ventures- Founded in 1198, iSAFE Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and empowering students, parents, law enforcement and community members to make their internet experiences safe and responsible.
  • - GetNetWise coalition (Internet industry corporations and public interest organizations) provides valuable information and tools for users to make informed decisions about their use of the internet. Topics include online child and teen safety, privacy, security and spam issues.
  • ConnectSafely - Online Safety Simplified- Provides a wealth of information and tips for teens using social networking sites, Web 2.0 tools, blogging, etc. "Connect Safely" is a forum to post questions and get answers. Provides awareness of "grooming" and how to protect your privacy.
  • Child Safety on the Information Highway — - Provides a "guide to making the internet and technology fun, safe and productive."
  • Children's Privacy | Federal Trade Commission ( Federal Trade Commission-sponsored site providing kid and adult internet safety and privacy tips. Also, a great list of resource links.
  • - Advice and information about internet safety for parents and teachers, plus opportunities to discuss problems and share solutions.
  • - Advice and information about Internet safety for parents and teachers, plus opportunities to discuss problems and share solutions.
  • - Cyber Tip Line, sponsored by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), offers parents resources to teach their children to be safer online and is a reporting mechanism for cases of child sexual exploitation.
  • - NetFamilyNews is a "community newspaper" Information has been moved from Library Website and provided as a public service, based on the premise that "informed, engaged parenting is essential to kids' constructive use of technology. It includes online safety and privacy, new technologies and Web resources for kids.